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Combined probes analysis with galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing in the Dark Energy Survey: Methods and forecasts

Posted on:2016-05-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ChicagoCandidate:Park, YoungsooFull Text:PDF
Combining galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering, a type of the so-called combined probes analysis methods, is a promising method for inferring the growth rate of large scale structure in current and future cosmological surveys. Measuring the growth of structure in the universe will shed light on the mechanism driving the acceleration of the Universe. The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a prime candidate for such an analysis, with its measurements of both the distribution of galaxies on the sky and the tangential shears of background galaxies induced by these foreground lenses. By constructing an end-to-end analysis that combines large-scale galaxy clustering and small-scale galaxy-galaxy lensing, we forecast the potential of a combined probes analysis on DES datasets. In particular, we develop a realistic approach to a DES combined probes analysis by jointly modeling the assumptions and systematics affecting the different components of the combined observable, employing a shared halo model, parametrized halo occupation distribution, photometric redshift uncertainties, and shear measurement errors. We also study the effect of external priors on different subsets of these parameters. We conclude that data from the first year of DES will provide powerful constraints on the evolution of structure growth in the universe, constraining the growth function to better than 8%.
Keywords/Search Tags:Combined probes analysis, Galaxy clustering, Galaxy-galaxy lensing, DES, Growth
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