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Homological stability for diffeomorphism groups of 3-manifolds

Posted on:2016-03-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Cornell UniversityCandidate:Lam, Chor HangFull Text:PDF
To study the homology of classifying spaces of diffeomorphism groups of compact, orientable 3-manifolds, we use the stabilization map that glues a prime 3-manifold, P, to an existing manifold N with non-empty boundary via connected sum. The main result is that the stabilization map induces a homology isomorphism for the i-th homology after the number n of existing P summands in N is greater than 2i + 2.;We also examine stabilization by the 3-ball, D 3, for the case P = S1 x S2, induces homology isomorphism in the same range as before, i.e. if the number n of existing P summands in N is greater than 2i + 2. This result allows us to exhibit homological stability even if N does not have boundary in the case P = S1 x S2. Along with known results about the stable homology, this gives a way to compute homology of BDiff(...
Keywords/Search Tags:Homology
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