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Evaluating sustainable agriculture utilizing multicriteria analysis: The case of Guaia-SP, Brazil

Posted on:2000-11-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Clark UniversityCandidate:Miranda, Jose IguelmarFull Text:PDF
A basic premise of sustainable agriculture is that critical relationships exist between the economic, physical, and social spheres. To gain insights into the sustainability of agriculture as it has evolved in southeastern Brazil, a multidimensional approach was utilized to assess the existing farming systems in the area. Economic, physical, and social properties of the area's farming systems were collected and analyzed in order to evaluate their relative sustainability. Utilizing questionnaire data developed by Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Monitoramento e Avaliacao de Impacto Ambiental, the relative ranking of farming systems in terms of their sustainability was developed for Guaira County, Sao Paulo. The multidimensional approach applied to agriculture in this investigation will have utility in assessing agriculture throughout Brazil.;To accomplish the purpose of this study, a two-step analysis was developed. First, a classification process utilizing cluster analysis identified four farming systems in Guaira based on the number and types of crops grown in each farm unit. The monoculture system, the pure corn-soybean system, the mixed corn-soybean system, and the polyculture/irrigation system represent all farm types in the county. Second, using multicriteria analysis techniques, an evaluation process ranked the four farming systems from best to worst with respect to their sustainability. This ranking utilized measurable indicators of agricultural sustainability.;Integrating ten social, ten economic, and ten ecological indicators, the evaluation process ranked the pure corn-soybean system as the most sustainable system, followed by the monoculture, the polyculture and the mixed corn-soybean systems. Economically, the most profitable farming system was the polyculture/irrigation corn-soybean system. With respect to ecological sustainability, the mixed corn-soybean system was worst. Since this system is not the heaviest user of modern agricultural practices, the increasing use of modern agricultural techniques does not necessarily lead toward a less sustainable agriculture. Farmers in the monoculture system ranked highest relative to the social domain.;From the results of the multicriteria analysis the most sustainable farming system in Guaira was the pure corn-soybean system. This is the farm type with the most successful farming system, respect to the three domains of sustainability. It is the one with the largest relative compatibility with the structural changes experienced in agriculture induced by the modern practices such as capitalized family-proprietor farms, specialization in production, and integration with the agribusiness. This study's results and framework provide a focal point for dialogue between decision-makers, resource analysts, and social groups in improving agriculture and moving the area more toward a more sustainable agriculture. Different model assumptions, resource allocations, and preferences can be tested and the relevancy of the results debated. Results from this study indicate that one may claim that decision support system tools will increase awareness of current friction and future incompatibilities in economic development and environmental sustainability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agriculture, System, Multicriteria analysis, Sustainability, Economic, Social, Utilizing
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