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Family and development in rural China after the economic reforms: A case study in Anhui Province

Posted on:2000-01-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Meng, ChenFull Text:PDF
Based on a sample survey on three villages in Anhui Province, China, 1987, the author uses the sociological theory and method, as well as statistical skills to study the family change and development after the economic reforms effective in 1978. The author categorizes the family type into the farming specialist family, the worker/peasant family, the migrant family and the unchanged family, compares their existing conditions and their contributions to rural development, examines internal relationships in different types of families, analyzes how the economic reforms, including the rural industry, help rural China go out of the involuted circle of poverty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic reforms, China, Rural, Family, Development
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