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The adversarial vendor-user relationship in the automation age (a deterrent to the implementation of advanced manufacturing technology)

Posted on:1995-08-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteCandidate:Robinson, Stanley LFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390014489230Subject:Business Administration
The literature is aboundant with the lament that the USA is no longer the ;For AMT to be utilized on the factory floor, it is necessary to select the proper technology, make the purchase and proceed with the installation. This cannot be accomplished in isolation. In order for an appropriate rate of AMT implementation to exist, it is necessary to maintain a friendly vendor user relationship (VUR). The user/implementor must feel comfortable in dealing with the vendor of AMT. In order for vendor user contracts to be consummated, this relationship cannot be confrontational or adversarial. This study analyzes the VUR with the intent of isolating these Relevant Factors (RF) that are either facilitative or adversarial.;A field survey was the first step whereby vendors and users were interviewed to define the nature of the VUR. Then a broad based questionnaire was circulated followed by an updated questionnaire three years later. The latter results turned out to be a mirror image of the first questionnaire. Sixteen deterring Relevant Factors were identified along with a litany of structural problems. Some examples are a scarcity of AMT plans and teams plagues by a further scarcity of qualified implementors. Low level satisfaction, failure to meet financial objectives and overspending on project budgets further aggravated the adverse nature of the AMT scene. Even late delivery by the vendor was found to be predominant.;The conclusion of this study is that the VUR is adversarial and not improving. Furthermore a number of the aspects of the VUR have been identified which provide a rich base for future improvement to enhance the rate of AMT implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:AMT, VUR, Implementation, Adversarial, Vendor, Relationship
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