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Social movement strategic framing: A comparative case study analysis

Posted on:2002-09-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Kendall, Mark AlanFull Text:PDF
The current study examines the dynamic evolution of social movement strategic framing during periods of heightened movement/counter-movement contestation. It is suggested that social movement strategic framing is best understood as the product of the dynamic interplay of various sets of factors, including culture, ink negotiation processes, and intermovement contestation processes. This study develops a framework for understanding these interactive factors. Further, various empirical generalizations related to these factors are discussed. These empirical generalizations are evaluated employing qualitative content analysis of social movement frames within the context of a comparative case study of two social movement contests: (1) the struggle surrounding passage of the Brady Bill gun control measure in 1993, and (2) the struggle surrounding Federal Welfare Reform legislation passed in 1996. Analysis of case studies supports the utility of employing a dynamic and give framework. Comparative case study analysis lends support to the contention that a social movement's ability to maintain coalition solidarity while also maintaining frame consistency can profoundly impact an opposing movement's strategic framing opportunities. Findings also support the proposition that both long-term and more volatile shifts in culture can impact strategic franking opportunities available to movements and counter movements. Findings also support that social movements attempt to control strategic frames regarding certain target populations, in order to influence bystanders and decision makers. Additionally, analysis of these cases offers empirical support for the proposition that particularly sweeping or threatening prognostic frames can represent both opportunities and threats, with respect to counter-movement strategic framing activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategic framing, Comparative case study
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