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From green to gold: Three essays on corporate social responsibility as a marketing strategy

Posted on:2012-06-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Gleim, Mark RFull Text:PDF
GTID:1469390011961731Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation is designed to contribute to our understanding of the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In particular, environmental sustainability is examined to better understand its impact on consumers and firm performance. A set of three essays examines the role, and impact, of environmental sustainability from the perspective of consumers. As firms continue to employ environmentally sustainable marketing strategies, ultimately consumers have the final say regarding the effectiveness of such efforts. An examination of CSR research in marketing, as well as other business disciplines, is first presented to better understand the limitations and opportunities that exist. Next, Essay 1 contains a multi-method analysis of the barriers to green consumption to better understand why environmentally friendly products continue to represent only a small portion of total purchases. In Essay 2, the "individual environment" is presented, utilizing both internal and external factors, to predict green behaviors by consumers. Further, as environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers, it is critical that firms understand the role that it can have with regards to perceptions of the firm. In the third essay, an examination of consumer perceptions of fit, or the congruence between the corporate associations and environmental sustainability initiatives of the firm, is undertaken to better understand how the actions taken by a firm impact consumer perceptions. Given the growing prevalence and importance of environmental sustainability in the strategic efforts of marketers, and the mixed results exhibited to date from firms that have adopted such initiatives, a better understanding of this influential strategic opportunity appears needed by practitioners as well as academic researchers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Understand, Corporate, Environmental sustainability, Marketing, Essay
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