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Effects of value integration on online consumer behavior

Posted on:2003-09-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Ekwere, Augustine ThomasFull Text:PDF
This research study evaluated the purchasing behavior of everyday consumers engaged in online shopping on the World Wide Web; with respect to value propositions of get and give components of convenience and timeliness. It further analyzed the impact of integrating value to satisfy customers for their online purchases. Two research questions were addressed; (a) What was the relationship between online purchasing behavior, convenience, and timeliness of goal-oriented values on a website? (b) What was the relationship between online purchasing behavior and self-efficacy episodes of customers' complaint resolution on the website? The Jupiter/NPD consumer research survey instrument was used for this study. The survey assessed descriptive variables such as order entry, fulfillment, service delivery, adaptive responses, and self-efficacy. A multiple regressions model, ANOVA, an F-test, and a t-statistic were used to analyze the data. Findings supported the research questions that online consumers demand value integration to moderate purchasing behavior. Further, these findings supported the overall goal of the dissertation, which was to educate the public.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behavior, Online, Value
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