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Toward a grounded theory of management in a matrix organization structure

Posted on:2004-01-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fielding Graduate InstituteCandidate:Wellman, Jerry LeeFull Text:PDF
This dissertation presents a grounded theory of management in a matrix organization structure. The research was designed to surface those behaviors and characteristics that key participants in an organization believe to have had a positive impact on their matrix organization over the past decade. The source information was explored with an eye toward reinforcing or adapting current theories of matrix organization structure. The research data were analyzed using grounded theory methods. Forty-seven interviews were conducted with program managers and business unit executives at 2 sites within an aerospace business division (hereafter called ABD) of a major Fortune 50 corporation. The nearly 750 pages of transcripts from those interviews were supplemented by organizational archival information including employee surveys and periodic reports. Those interviewed asserted that 5 major concepts were instrumental in organizational success. Those concepts were Empowerment, Support, Decision Making, and Flexibility, all tied together via Communications. The concepts were said by the interviewees to be important to the successful performance of the matrix organization. A model depicting the relationships among the 5 concepts also emerged from the transcripts and was later validated through follow-up discussions with interview participants. The research activity also spawned a new model for describing the matrix organization. The matrix model arose from this researcher's efforts to depict the 5 concepts in an organizational structure and management context. The matrix model, which served as a foundation for better understanding the factors, their interrelationships, and management's role in the matrix, was also validated through follow-up discussions with executive interviewees. The research validates some of the matrix literature but also opens new avenues for investigation. The findings affirm the views of Mintzberg (Mintzberg, 1979), Galbraith (Galbraith, 1973), and Burns (Burns & Stalker, 1994) among others. The findings also offer a matrix organization model that helps place those findings in a context making them more relevant to matrix leaders. Similar research at multiple matrix organizations is recommended to validate or challenge the findings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Matrix organization, Grounded theory, Management, Structure, Findings
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