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Computation-distortion optimized DCT-based video coding

Posted on:2001-05-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Ismaeil, Ismaeil RagabFull Text:PDF
The rapidly expanding field of multimedia communications has fueled significant research and development work in the area of real-time video encoding. Dedicated hardware solutions have reached maturity and cost-efficient hardware encoders are being developed by several manufacturers. However, software solutions based on general purpose processors or programmable digital signal processors (DSPs) have significant merits. Towards this objective, we have developed a flexible framework for video encoding that yields very good computation-performance tradeoffs. The proposed framework consists of a set of optimized core components: motion estimation, the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), quantization, and mode selection. Each of the components can be configured to achieve a desired computation-performance tradeoff. The components can be assembled to obtain encoders with varying degrees of computational complexity. Computation control has been implemented within the proposed framework to allow the resulting algorithms to adapt to the available computational resources. The proposed framework was applied to MPEG-2 and H.263 encoding using Intel's Pentium/MMX desktop processor. Excellent speed-performance tradeoffs were obtained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Video, Proposed framework
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