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The relationship of selected student, teacher, and school variables to biology achievement of seniors in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia

Posted on:1996-02-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Al-Shahrany, Mohammed SaeedFull Text:PDF
This study was designed to examine the variables that contributed to biology achievement at the secondary school level in Saudi Arabia. This study focused specifically on the relationship between biology achievement and selected student, teacher, and school variables.; The sample consisted of 24 biology classes in 24 schools, 525 12th grade students in the 24 classes, 24 biology teachers of the biology classes, and the 24 principals of the selected schools.; The results of this study revealed that student antecedent variables, namely, home environment, prior knowledge, scholastic ability, age, retention, and nationality, seemed to correlate highly with biology achievement.; Student transaction variables (participation and attention) also correlated significantly with biology test scores.; The findings of this study revealed that student outcome variables, which included student attitudes toward science and science learning, and planned education and career choices, correlated significantly with biology test scores.; Teacher experience, amount of science teaching, nationality, and attitude toward science were the teacher antecedent variables that correlated significantly with student biology test scores. The findings of this study indicated also that teacher transaction variables (management, motivation, and instructional practice) correlated significantly with student biology test scores.; Classroom size correlated significantly with biology test scores. It had a negative correlation, which indicates that students in small classes did better than those in large classes. Content emphasis variables also correlated significantly with biology test scores.; Finally, school antecedent variables (climate, location, number of administrative staff, help provided to science teacher, and the availability of materials and supplies) correlated significantly with biology test scores.
Keywords/Search Tags:Biology, Variables, Teacher, Student, School, Science, Selected
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