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Creative catalysts: A study of creative teachers from their own perspectives and experiences

Posted on:1999-11-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Anderson-Patton, Vicky MFull Text:PDF
This study used a qualitative methodology, narrative inquiry, to further our understanding of the creative teacher's perspective and experiences. Six college teachers identified as creative by colleagues, students, and the researcher, reviewed their life journeys to date during two in-depth and open-ended interviews with the author. The teachers were encouraged to explore significant experiences and influences, education and training, and to reflect upon how these have affected their creativity and teaching. Additionally the researcher observed each participant teach and interviewed 13 students to include their perspective and experiences with the teacher.;Three women and three men, ages 40 to 58 years, from five different colleges who teach a variety of courses in different disciplines were identified as creative teachers in this study. The resulting narratives indicated that diversity was a central component of each teacher's life and teaching, and diversity between these teachers was characteristic. The creative teachers in this study are unique individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, teaching styles, training experiences, interests, and areas of creative strength.;The findings of this dissertation are presented in a discussion of the following themes and variations. Creativity is viewed as innate. Creative teachers are humanists and beyond. Synergy in the student-teacher relationship appears to facilitate creativity and learning. Creative teachers have strong personal creative outlets from childhood. Creative teachers have diverse life experiences, education and training that is ongoing. Creative teachers describe experiences as an outsider. Creative teachers exhibit personal characteristics of creative individuals. Creative teachers are visionaries and leaders in their teaching and careers. These themes provide meaningful insight to the creative development and teaching of creative teachers.;The dissertation concludes with a discussion of its significance and implications for creative teaching, teacher training, and professional development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creative, Experiences, Training
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