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Evaluating spatial abilities in health sciences students

Posted on:2000-11-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Solomon, Clifford EdwardFull Text:PDF
Research has described how spatial abilities are important to performance in basic anatomy courses. Yet previous studies at the University of Washington have shown that the general standardized tests most often used to measure spatial abilities do not correlate to performance on the Final Examination.;The purpose of this research was to develop evaluation tools that measure spatial abilities within the context of anatomy and to gather evidence concerning their validity and their reliability. In addition, the research sought to determine if these anatomical tests better predict performance on the Final Examination than do the general standardized tests. The research found that the new tests were reliable, but the data concerning their validity and their predictive performance was inconclusive.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spatial abilities, Concerning their validity, Performance, Health sciences, Education, General standardized tests
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