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Portraits of men who care: A study of the development and expressions of the ethic of care in three male secondary teachers

Posted on:2001-10-17Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Duquesne UniversityCandidate:Adams, Carolyn LeeFull Text:PDF
This research explores the nature of caring as developed and expressed by three male secondary teachers. Portraits of each of the participants have been constructed from data gathered from interviews, collected artifacts, and classroom observations. The care theory of Nel Noddings, enhanced by a personal correspondence with the author, has been used to establish a firm foundation for the necessity of cluing as the basis for learning. This study explores caring as part of the secondary school experience from the viewpoint of male teachers. Male secondary teachers were chosen became (1) their perspective is underrepresented in the literature, (2) children are more likely to encounter male teachers in a secondary school rather than in an elementary school, and (3) implications may be drawn from the portraits of these caring teachers that we pertinent to the study of violent behavior in adolescent males. Examined in each participant was the historical development of cam, role-models, gender issues associated with care, and the manner in which care is expressed to students. The study has impact for both philosophical and practical educational issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Male secondary, Care, Teachers, Portraits
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