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Personal practical theories and their influence on a teacher's practice: A case study of a secondary Algebra teacher

Posted on:2003-03-12Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Central FloridaCandidate:Hair, Gene VernonFull Text:PDF
Despite the national emphasis on the preparation of high quality mathematics teachers for public schools, little is known about the nature of the naturalistic decision-making of secondary mathematics teachers. The primary purpose of this study was to contribute to that understanding by identifying a secondary algebra teacher's Personal Practical Theories (PPTs). Additionally, the study focuses on how those PPT's influenced the naturalistic curricular and instructional decision making of that teacher and the implications of that process for teacher self-evaluation and improvement of instruction, as well as for student learning in an Algebra IB classroom.; A collaborative action research model was utilized for this inquiry with an emphasis on qualitative methodology. Major sources of data included field notes, interviews, classroom observations, and curricular artifact analysis. Data analysis yielded five major theories, and three sub-theories. In addition, differentiation among negotiable and nonnegotiable PPTs is detailed. An analysis of the congruence of PPT's and classroom practice is provided, with discussion of the significant implications for pre-service and inservice preparation of teachers. In addition, analysis of teacher reflection as a result of the collaborative process is described. Implications for future collaborative action research, teacher self-evaluation, teacher reflective practice, and the potential for the improvement of mathematics teaching are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher, Practice, Mathematics, Theories, Secondary, Algebra
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