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Comparative Study of the National Math Curriculum with Curricula from Four Nation

Posted on:2012-07-27Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Piedmont CollegeCandidate:Wilms, Ulrich HeinzFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011970286Subject:Curriculum development
The formation of the Common Core State Standards can be regarded as the predecessor of a national curriculum. This research addresses how the proposed national math curriculum compares to the math curricula of a sample of peer-nations (Singapore, Netherlands, Germany, and Japan) with high student achievement rates in math, while relating the math curricula to the basic philosophic ideas of Dewey, Piaget, and Vygotsky.;The research indicated that the rigor and depth of the elementary math curriculum under the CCSS is in line with the elementary curricula of the peer-nations, yet the secondary math curriculum differs: whereas the CCSS expects all of the students to master a highly rigorous uniform secondary math curriculum, the peer nations of this research track their students according to aptitude and offer up to 12 different levels of math.;In order to increase math achievement the presentation of math, using qualified math teachers in elementary school, may need improvement. Grading may have to be de-emphasized and replaced with detailed feedback, specific to individual work. A primary focus should be placed on appreciation and confidence.;A flexible, efficient and equitable tracking system at the secondary level may be a feasible tool to increase the performance of high achieving students, while reducing drop-out rates for low achieving students. The introduction of vocational tracks, using a pragmatic math approach, can offer relevance, interest, and fulfillment. The system of math support classes for underperforming students should be moved from the high school level to the upper elementary school level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum, National, Curricula, Students, Elementary
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