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A study of the relationship between teacher efficacy and professional learning communities in an urban high schoo

Posted on:2012-05-14Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Shetzer, Steven DouglasFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011970067Subject:Secondary education
This study explored the relationship between teacher efficacy and professional learning communities. Specifically, this study utilized a mixed design encompassing quantitative and qualitative aspects of the professional lives of 27 teachers in an urban high school.;Bandura's (1986) social cognitive learning theory of self-efficacy provided the framework for the construct of self-efficacy. Hord's (1997) dimensions of professional learning community served as the framework for the exploration of professional learning communities for this study.;Two survey instruments were utilized to assess whether a relationship exists between dimensions of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and dimensions of teachers' perceptions of professional learning community. A Pearson correlation was calculated for the data. For this study, the results revealed that dimensions of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs are not correlated at all to the dimensions of professional learning community.;For the qualitative aspect of this study a phenomenological design was utilized. Using primarily interviews, data were collected from the sample participants who had experienced being a part of professional learning communities; thereafter, a composite description of the essence of the experience for all individuals was synthesized. This description consists of "what" they experienced and "how" they experienced it (Moustakas, 1994).;Results indicated that the participants had the same general experiences pertaining to professional learning communities: a sense of frustration, a lack of vision and direction, and a lack of collaboration when participating in a professional learning community.;The results of this study showed that there exists a gap in the knowledge of the impact that correct, systemic implementation of professional learning communities has on participating teachers' self-efficacy. Given the results of the study, further research on the impact professional learning communities have on teacher self-efficacy should be conducted with consideration given to how professional learning communities are implemented and supported in order to add to the knowledge base in future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional learning communities, Relationship between teacher efficacy, Urban high
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