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Cognitive skills, domain knowledge, and self-efficacy: Effects on spreadsheet quality

Posted on:2012-01-25Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Anderson UniversityCandidate:Adkins, Joni KFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011970040Subject:Information Technology
Numerous studies have shown that spreadsheets used in companies often have errors which may affect the quality of the decisions made with these tools. Many businesses are unaware or choose to ignore the risks associated with spreadsheet use. The intent of this study was to learn more about the characteristics of spreadsheet end user developers, personnel outside the information systems department who develop spreadsheets in support of organizational tasks. Spreadsheet end user developers tend to be generalized into a homogeneous group even though they have different skill levels, knowledge, and performance abilities. The literature shows that cognitive skills, domain knowledge, and beliefs about self can influence computing performance. The research question was: To what extent do problem-solving ability, computer self-efficacy (CSE), spreadsheet design knowledge, and spreadsheet software knowledge affect spreadsheet quality?;This study was a directional research study to measure the patterns of relationships between problem-solving ability, CSE, spreadsheet design knowledge, spreadsheet software knowledge, and spreadsheet quality. In addition, spreadsheet end user developers were placed into categories according to their self-reported spreadsheet experience to see if there were differences in spreadsheet quality between levels of experience. In the study, 77 participants created a spreadsheet, rated their CSE, took knowledge tests, and answered demographic and spreadsheet usage questions. The spreadsheets were judged on completeness, accuracy, and design to determine the spreadsheet quality score.;The strengths, directions, and relationships among the constructs were analyzed using structural equation modeling while spreadsheet experience was evaluated in relationship to spreadsheet quality using ANOVA and correlation. Results indicated that spreadsheet software knowledge was a significant indicator of both computer self- efficacy and spreadsheet quality. Spreadsheet design knowledge was not significantly related to computer self-efficacy or spreadsheet quality, and neither computer self- efficacy nor problem-solving ability was significantly related to spreadsheet quality. Problem-solving ability had an unexpected corrosive effect on computer self-efficacy. Those participants who identified themselves with high spreadsheet experience created the highest quality spreadsheets. Using study results, recommendations to practitioners and suggestions for future spreadsheet research were made.
Keywords/Search Tags:Spreadsheet, Quality, Domain knowledge, Cognitive skills, Self-efficacy, Problem-solving ability, Computer self- efficacy
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