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The effect of collaborative teaching on the general education student population: A case study

Posted on:2012-09-13Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of HoustonCandidate:Cuellar, KreggFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011960471Subject:Secondary education
The study aims to answer the following questions: (1) How do non-disabled students perform academically in a collaborative teaching environment using the method of inclusion in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment? (2) Does the collaborative teaching inclusion method in a learning environment alter the non-disabled students' socio-emotional state, with emphasis on behavior and discipline, in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment? (3) Is there a change in class attendance with non-disabled students in a collaborative teaching inclusion environment in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment?;In order to answer the research questions above, thirty (30) non-disabled students were randomly selected from an HISD High School, fifteen (15) sophomores and fifteen (15) juniors. Student grades in English, Mathematics, Science and their average grade on the three subjects, number of absences, number of disciplinary referrals, ELA/Reading TAKS scaled scores and Math TAKS scaled scores were collected. On the second year, they were all in a classroom with co-teaching and the data for the same set of variables were collected from each of the thirty non-disabled students.;Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Chi-square tests of goodness-of-fit were used to determine if there were significant differences between without co-teaching and with co-teaching in the areas of academic performance (TAKS scores and academic grades in English, Math and Science), attendance (number of absences), and discipline (number of disciplinary referrals). Paired Sample T-Tests were used as Post-Hoc tests on variables found with significant differences via Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).;Based on the Repeated Measures ANOVA, Chi Square test of goodness-of-fit and Paired sample T-Tests, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) Students who are non-disabled perform academically better in a collaborative teaching environment using the method of inclusion in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment in the areas of TAKS ELA/Reading, TAKS Math, average grade (English, Math and Science) and Science grades. However, no significant differences were observed between without co-teaching and with co-teaching on non-disabled students grades in English and Math; (2) The collaborative teaching inclusion learning environment has significantly lower number of disciplinary referrals in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment; and (3) Attendance by non-disabled students in a collaborative teaching inclusion environment is significantly higher (fewer number of absences) in comparison to a traditional non-inclusive learning environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collaborative teaching, Traditional non-inclusive learning environment, Non-disabled students, Comparison, TAKS
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