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Learning theory and its application to at-risk programs for elementary school children

Posted on:2003-03-18Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - ColumbiaCandidate:Statler, Judy KayFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine essential components of an exemplary at-risk/dropout prevention program for kindergarten through sixth grade students in one medium-sized Missouri school district, having total student enrollment from 1000 to 4000. Of particular importance was the objective to determine if this select program contains essential components that reflect the four domains articulated in the APA Learner-Centered Psychological Principles. The perceptions of building administrators, at-risk coordinators, at-risk teachers, regular classroom teachers, and parents of at-risk students regarding the program's ability to reduce at-risk behaviors were also investigated.; An embedded single case study design was used to provide a rich, holistic picture of the at-risk program and the people involved in it. Empirical data included direct observations, archival records, in-depth semi-structured and open-ended interviews, and documents collected over a six-month period of time.; Themes and categories emerged from this study around three broad areas: (1) shared assumptions about mission; (2) student centered focus; and (3) commitment to creation of nurturing environment. Eleven subthemes emerged from the factors and variables that influenced the major themes. Analysis of the findings revealed that features within each of the three broad areas clearly reflected the four domains of the APA Learner-Centered Psychological Principles; however, not every subtheme incorporated the concepts of all four domains.; Analysis of the perceptions of building administrators, at-risk coordinators, at-risk teachers, regular classroom teachers, and parents of at-risk students regarding the program's ability to reduce at-risk behaviors revealed emergent themes in three major areas: (1) improved attendance; (2) improved academics; and (3) improved self-esteem. Not all of the participants regarded the program's effectiveness in reducing at-risk behaviors in each of the major themes.; This is a significant study because the literature is scant with regard to the impact of programs designed for at-risk elementary students. Furthermore, this study provides a framework to guide the creation of an exemplary at-risk program for elementary students.
Keywords/Search Tags:At-risk, Program, Elementary, Students
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