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Athletic training instructors: A needs assessment of teaching methodology knowledge and self-perceived competenc

Posted on:2003-09-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Colorado State UniversityCandidate:Craig, Debbie IsabelFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390011483927Subject:Physical therapy
The purpose of this research study was to assess the need for formal instruction in teaching methodology for certified athletic trainers with master's degrees who are or will be teaching in Athletic Training Education Programs (ATEP). The objectives were to assess the current status of teaching backgrounds, teaching methodology knowledge and self-perceived competence of ATEP instructors. The gap score, found between the knowledge and self-perceived competence scores, was used as the measure of need.;This was a quantitative design utilizing a discrepancy needs assessment model. A web-based survey was used to gather data. The population studied was current National Athletic Trainer's Association (NATA) certified members in the US who had their master's degree and were working in a college/university setting. The instrument further defined the study population to those who were currently teaching in an approved or accredited ATEP. The items measured were each participants' educational and instructional background, their knowledge of teaching methodology on 20 constructs, their self-perceived competence on those same 20 constructs, and any comments they had to share.;The results of the study revealed that the participants with lower gap scores generally had less previous instruction in teaching methodology, lower knowledge scores, and were less likely to pursue future instruction in teaching methodology. Those with more instruction had more knowledge and perceived a larger gap between their knowledge and competence scores on the 20 teaching methodology constructs measured.;Neither amount of previous instruction in teaching methodology or how long the participants had been teaching significantly influenced self-perceived competence scores. Of the eight types of teaching methodology instruction presented, taking an undergraduate course in teaching methodology and the use of structured mentoring significantly predicted self-perceived competence scores.;Those with more teaching methodology knowledge having higher gap scores was a surprise from the data. Due to this finding, the need established was not simply to impart teaching methodology knowledge to those lacking, but to first impart the complexities of teaching methodology and pedagogy. Once these complexities are understood, instruction in teaching methodology could begin. The data gathered provides previously unmeasured information about ATEP instructors across the nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching methodology, ATEP instructors, Athletic training, Needs assessment, Instruction, Education
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