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The Scopes trial and creation thought since 1925

Posted on:2000-11-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Illinois State UniversityCandidate:Spaid, Mark RichardFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the Scopes Trial of 1925 as the beginning of the battle between Creation Thought and Evolutionary Science in the public school classrooms. Historical analysis of events, legislation and a legal case study was used to synthesize the ideas and philosophies that guided events this century leading up the trial in Dayton, Tennessee during July of 1925.;The study examined the development of the concept of a wall of separation between Church and State that began with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and developed into the key component of the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. This concept was applied to the case analysis, legislation and school district policies regarding Creation and Evolution.;The concepts of Creation and Evolution were examined and compared as a basis for understanding the conflict that exists between the Religious Right and the scientific community. The main personalities and their motives on both sides were highlighted because of the fact that the conflict still continues.;The study sought solutions for practicing administrators who are faced with the controversy of Creation and Evolution in their schools. The question that guided the study was, “Is Accommodation possible or is Separation necessary?” The study examined legislation and court cases seeking the right answer for schools in their constant struggle with the two diametrically opposed philosophies.;Analysis of the historical evidence and the events surrounding the issue since the inception of the United States concluded that there is no room for Accommodation with the First Amendment. Separation has been and should continue to be the guiding principle whenever the line between Church and State begins to blur. The collaboration between Church and State can prove harmful for both and the best way to insure their survival and proliferation is to keep them separate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trial, Creation
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