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Institutions, incarceration rates, and injustice in nineteenth century America

Posted on:2002-01-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Vanderbilt UniversityCandidate:Strow, Brian KentFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is a case study of incarceration rates. In it, I examine environmental and personal characteristics that were strongly correlated with incarceration rates in nineteenth century America. I use sample states in the Midwest and Upper South to illustrate the differences in incarceration that resulted from the institution of slavery.; I found that institutions matter. The institution of slavery affected incarceration rates both during the antebellum period and following emancipation. Yet, this was not the only institution that mattered. I also examine the code of honor, and the legal and prison systems to explain their impact on incarceration. After all, the demand for prison labor can affect incarceration levels.; Incarceration occurs in a context. It is an equilibrium outcome between the demand for law and order and the supply of criminal activity. By examining the actions of criminals in a rational choice perspective, I explore possible reasons for high incarceration levels. I use regression analysis to study incarceration in this framework.; County characteristics that I examine as possibly being correlated with incarceration include race, ethnicity, age, gender, economic opportunity, literacy, population density, inequality, and year. Using regression analysis, I find that county characteristics are correlated with incarceration rates.; By examining the characteristics of inmates I find that the southern sample states experienced a structural shift in their prison population following emancipation. Inmates became more black, less literate, less skilled, and younger. My northern sample states showed no such break.; Incarceration is affected by personal choice and by the environments and the institutions individuals encounter. Through a better understanding of the environments and institutions that play a role in incarceration, one can recommend policy solutions for lowering incarceration levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incarceration, Institutions, Characteristics
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