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Public policy implementation process for increasing aviation system capacity: A case study

Posted on:2004-05-25Degree:D.P.AType:Dissertation
University:Golden Gate UniversityCandidate:Aguilera, Frank JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390011958713Subject:Political science
Increasing aviation system capacity public policy is an implementation process whereby the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is assisting the Federal Aviation Administration in modernizing the National Airspace System thereby increasing aviation system capacity in order to meet projected air traffic growth. If the National Airspace System is not modernized, the traveling public will experience more frequent airport and air traffic delays.; Recent studies of the National Airspace System by state and local transportation authorities and private industry suggest that insufficient capacity of the aviation operational infrastructure, limited access to the airspace, and restrictions on flight routing flexibility have escalated operational costs, increased delays, and decreased efficiency for all air passenger and air cargo users. Delays and decreased efficiencies in the National Airspace System are evident in the form of system grid-lock and increased ticket prices for the traveling public with increased prices for goods and services passed on to the consumer.; FAA and NASA are the two agencies charged with implementing policy for the next generation air traffic management system. Their goal is to plan and conduct an integrated national air traffic management research and development program. In order to be successful, the outcome must lead to increased aviation system capacity by implementing operational concepts and associated decision support tools to maximize the safety, efficiency, and flexibility of operations in the National Airspace System.; A policy delivery system is more fully understood by using an implementation model. This case study relies on the Van Meter/Van Horn (1975) program development model as a framework for the case description and findings along with the case analysis. This framework is comprised of the following components: (1) the environment of the system which provides the stimulus for government action and receives the inputs and outputs of their work; (2) demands and resources that establish policy decisions, which are conveyed to policy makers; (3) a conversion process, including the formal structure and procedures of government, that transform (convert) demands and resources into programs; (4) the policies that represent the formal goals, intentions, and/or statements of government officials; and (5) the performance of the policy as it is actually delivered to clients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aviation system capacity, Policy, Public, Implementation, Process, Case, Air traffic
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