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Developpement, mise a l'essai et evaluation qualitative d'une intervention infirmiere dyadique aupres de couples ages vivant avec la maladie de Parkinson au stade modere

Posted on:2012-12-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Beaudet, LineFull Text:PDF
GTID:1466390011467896Subject:Health Sciences
In Quebec, nearly 25 000 people are affected by Parkinson's disease (PD). They are, for the most part, elders cared for by their spouse. At the moderate stage, PD alters the couples health and quality of life. This stage of the illness offers opportunities for dyadic interventions, as these couples experiment growing losses requiring numerous adjustments. Nevertheless, no study had yet explored their intervention needs during this transition and few interventions to support them have been the object of evaluative studies.;Based on transition theory by Meleis and colleagues (2000) and on family systems approach by Wright and Leahey (2009), the purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a dyadic intervention oriented towards elderly couples living with PD at the moderate stage. To achieve this goal, a qualitative design and a participative approach were privileged. The Intervention Mapping framework by Bartholomew and colleagues (2006) and the analytic methods developed by Miles and Huberman (2003) were used to conceptualize and evaluate the intervention. The study took place in an ambulatory clinic specialized in PD. Ten couples and four health professionals collaborated to the intervention development. Three new couples tested and evaluated the intervention.;The dyadic intervention consists of seven sessions of 90 minutes, held every second week. The themes of the sessions and the intervention methods and strategies are based on the couples needs and goals, as well as on specific theories and empirical findings. The intervention is oriented towards dyads concerns, health promotion, problem solving, access to resources, communication, and role adjustments.;The study results showed the feasibility, the acceptability and the utility of the intervention. The main benefits observed by the dyads are the adoption of health behaviors, the finding of solutions adapted to various situations and favorable to both partners, the skills to get help and services, and the increased feelings of mastery, mutual support, pleasure and hope. This study can illuminate nurses involved in different domains of practice and interested in developing and evaluating dyadic interventions that are ecologically and theoretically based.;Key words: Parkinson's, elderly patients, caregivers, couples, dyads, nursing intervention, Intervention Mapping, development, qualitative evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Couples, Qualitative
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