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Studies in Semitic historical semantics: Words for 'man' and 'woman'

Posted on:1997-10-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Wright, Edwina MariaFull Text:PDF
his dissertation provides a diachronic semantic analysis of terms for 'man' and 'woman' in Semitic which are represented by seven roots: ;Most of the terms that develop a meaning 'man' do so through metonymy; of the various contiguous relationships that pertain to metonymy the relationship of property or attribute to object is the primary association of many of the words in this study. Tn certain of the roots discussed, attributes which are associated with humans come to actually mean 'human' and, in particular, 'man'. The human can be understood as (a) 'an earthling', (b) 'mortal', and (c) 'strong', i.e., 'a warrior'. These three attributes are reflected in terms related to the roots ;The root ;The theory of Proto-Semitic biconsonantalism is germane to the discussion of three of the roots:...
Keywords/Search Tags:'man', Roots
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