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An edition of 'Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill' from the 'Book of Ui Maine'

Posted on:2001-10-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Harvard UniversityCandidate:Wiley, Dan MichaelFull Text:PDF
This dissertation presents an edition and translation of Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill (The Death of Diarmait mac Cerbaill ) from the Book of Ui Maine with textual variants from The Yellow Book of Lecan and Egerton 1782. This saga, which dates from the late Middle Irish period (c. 1000--1200), recounts the life of its title character from his accession to the kingship of Tara to his violent death at Raith Becc twenty-one years later. Its central theme is the nature of Irish kingship, which it describes in decidedly Christian terms: temporal authority comes from God through the mediation of the Roman Church. As a result, king and clergy must foster a close relationship with one another and cooperate on matters of mutual interest. When they disagree, it is vital that the two powers maintain their composure and pursue the resolution of their disputes with proper dispassion. Failing to do so could have detrimental repercussions, affecting the whole of Irish society, as the characters in the saga discover. When Diarmait refuses to release a prisoner formerly under the protection of St. Ruadan, the two go head to head in a struggle that forever changes the political structure of medieval Ireland. While this new modus vivendi is brought about by a combination of factors, one in particular is singled out for special treatment: the Psalms of Malediction. This is an ecclesiastical ritual wherein certain psalms are recited over a three-week period as a means of inflicting a potent imprecation. Though the mere threat of this curse should provide sufficient motivation for recalcitrant kings to settle their disputes, Diarmait himself remains obstinate and the curse is put into effect. The results are devastating not only for the king but for the Church as well: both are condemned to exist in a state of perpetual discord. In short, Aided Diarmata recounts the legendary origins of the problems that plague Church/State relations in late pre-Norman Ireland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diarmata
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