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The influences of feminism and ethnicity on selected women artists of color

Posted on:2001-01-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Whitehead, Jessie LFull Text:PDF
In this study, I present an investigation of the intersection of gender and race through an exploration of the concepts, feminism and ethnicity in relation to the lives of four selected women artists of color. I explore what role ethnicity and feminism play in the artists' education, identity, professional life, and art. A review of literature addresses these four areas of inquiry, as well as a brief history on the education of Black American and Native American students in the United States.;A qualitative analysis is developed from a significant portion of the interview data. I propose implications through which the personal experiences of the selected artists in combination with three specific goals of education can be used to address cultural diversity in the classroom. I conclude that these artists' personal experiences in the areas of feminism and ethnicity can assist the pedagogical challenge of art education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feminism and ethnicity, Artists, Selected, Education
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