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An exploration of listening comprehension linked to authentic input and language learning strategies in a second language

Posted on:2000-09-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Kim, DongkyooFull Text:PDF
This study used both quantitative and qualitative approaches in order to (1) identify foreign language learners' dispositions toward authentic input and their listening strategies; (2) explore the relationships among dispositions, strategy use, and L2 listening proficiency; and (3) investigate the effects of the implementation of a curriculum with an emphasis on authentic listening input in the foreign language classroom. A total of 284 Korean university students participated in different aspects of this study. First, for the descriptive approach to the study, students indicated their dispositions toward authentic input and their listening strategies by completing two sets of self-report questionnaires. In addition, two different kinds of listening tests were used to measure their listening proficiency in English. Second, for the correlational approach to the study, data from the descriptive approach were analyzed with multiple Pearson product-moment correlations and two stepwise multiple regressions. Third, for the experimental approach to the study, an experimental group received instruction in which traditional listening materials were replaced by authentic listening input during some portions of the listening lessons for the thirteen-week period of the treatment. A repeated-measures MANOVA was used to find the effects of incorporating authentic input into the foreign language classroom over the period of the treatment when compared to a control group receiving traditional instruction. Finally, for the qualitative approach to the study, 26 students were randomly selected from the original 284 students and interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of their dispositions toward authentic input and their listening strategy use.;The major findings of the study were as follows: (1) Korean university students' dispositions toward authentic input were generally related to their use of specific listening strategies and their English listening proficiency; (2) their dispositions toward authentic input and their use of listening strategies, in turn, could predict some portion of their listening proficiency; and (3) the use of authentic listening input in instruction had significant positive effects on their dispositions toward authentic input and their listening proficiency. These results suggest a need for incorporating authentic listening input into the foreign language classroom and offering well-designed listening strategy training to L2 learners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Authentic, Input, Listening, Language, Strategies, Approach
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