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Indigenous mathematics of Native North Americans: A sourcebook for educators

Posted on:2001-03-05Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Teachers College, Columbia UniversityCandidate:DeCesare, Richard PatrickFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014454915Subject:Mathematics Education
The purpose of this study was to compile a "Sourcebook" recording samples of the indigenous mathematics of Native North Americans. The "Sourcebook" was designed for use by elementary, secondary, and university teachers, as well as curriculum developers, in disciplines such as mathematics, history, social studies, language, and science.;The study sought to answer the following questions: (1) What counting systems existed and how were they constructed? (2) What counting procedures were used? (3) What symbol systems were used to represent numbers? (4) What types of measures were needed and how were measurements made? (5) What number lore was part of Native American culture, which numbers were considered "sacred" or "spiritual," and how were they used in rituals?;An examination of the literature was conducted to seek answers to each question. Libraries, Museums, and Universities were used as sources for relevant artifacts and documents. In addition, the investigator conducted interviews with Native North Americans.;Each of the study questions was answered in the "Sourcebook." The "Sourcebook" was reviewed by five jurors, consisting of an Ethnomathematician, a Mathematics Historian, a K--8 teacher, and two Native American teachers. Jurors were asked to respond to a series of questions on an Evaluation Guide.;Jurors indicated that the "Sourcebook" would be appropriate for various age groups, from elementary through university levels, depending on the material chosen. Most jurors reported that 70 to 75 percent of the material was new to them. Besides its use in mathematics, jurors also suggested the "Sourcebook" would be useful in American History, Anthropology, English, Literature, Science, and Social Studies. Jurors were asked to rate the usefulness of the "Sourcebook" as an educational tool, using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = lowest, 10 = highest). The mean response of the three jurors who responded to this question was 8.33. The investigator used some of the jurors' comments and suggestions in revising the "Sourcebook," and included some of these suggestions as recommendations for further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sourcebook, Native north americans, Mathematics, Jurors
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