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Peter the Great and the Russian military campaigns during the final years of the Great Northern War, 1719--1721

Posted on:2001-04-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of DenverCandidate:Moulton, James RFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is a military history examining the final years of the Great Northern War, fought between Russia and Sweden, 1719--1721. It is largely based on eighteenth-century primary Russian language sources, including; Peter the Great's Journal, Materials For the History of the Russian Fleet: The Baltic Fleet, 1702--1725, as well as selected correspondence of the major military and diplomatic figures involved in the relevant events pertinent to the campaigns of 1719--1721. The Russian military campaigns that took place during these years have received minimal attention in the majority of western sources. Therefore, this dissertation will examine the vital impact that the Russian military campaigns of 1719--1721 had in ending the Great Northern War and Peter the Great's crucial involvement in directing them. The diplomatic and financial role of Great Britain in assisting Sweden in exchange for territories ceded to the Electorate of Hanover will also form a crucial part of this dissertation.; As a result of this examination certain conclusions were drawn. The traditional coverage of the final years of the Great Northern War in western sources has often been biased due to its dependency on British diplomatic sources. This is especially the case with respect to the impact that the Russian military campaigns exercised in ending the war. By examining the size, intensity and destruction of the Russian military campaigns against Sweden during 1719--1721, this dissertation will contribute towards presenting a more balanced historical interpretation of these events.
Keywords/Search Tags:Great northern war, Military, Final years, 1719--1721, Dissertation, Sweden, Peter
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