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A study of Jin Cheng (1878--1926)

Posted on:2002-11-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)Candidate:Siu, Wai-manFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390011994580Subject:Art history
Jin Cheng (1878--1926) was a leading painter in Beijing in the early years of the Republic of China. In face of the mammoth anti-tradition trend of the New Culture Movement during the May Fourth Period, Jin held high the banner of protecting and developing the Chinese painting tradition which was widely queried and had lost its direction. Firmly taking the role of a traditionalist, Jin insisted that the past should be utilized for future development, and thus traditional elements should be searched for so as to renew Chinese painting. Jin also opposed the negligence of the Chinese painting tradition by over-emphasizing the need to learn from the West.;Jin made great contribution to the protection of Chinese art and culture. After setting up the Antiquities Gallery, Jin participated in the establishment of the Research Society of Chinese Painting. He practically became a leader of the Society and engaged in private teaching of painting, preparing lecture notes, organising exhibitions and training young talents of traditional painting. He also drew over other traditional artists so that they jointly formed a force to contend with the surging new trend which advocated "introducing the west to benefit Chinese painting", "a merger of Chinese and Western art" or even "an overall westernisation". Taking an important role in the modern history of reforming Chinese painting by striking a balance between inclinations to either the positive or the negative extremes, Jin made a significant impact at the times.;Jin's artistic activities were highly influential. However, since art historians have paid little attention to Jin, we lacked a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of this painter, such as his family background, overseas study, position and contributions to the Research Society of Chinese Painting, types and numbers of his students, teaching methods, path of learning, artistic thoughts and attainments, etc.;Starting from the three aspects of Jin, namely his family background, life story and artistic development, this dissertation discusses in detail Jin and his art so that a full picture of this figure can be revealed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jin, Chinese painting, Art
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