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Organization theory support system: A conceptual approach to organizational theory frameworks

Posted on:2003-03-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Claremont Graduate UniversityCandidate:Kutty, Mumtaz KFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390011985019Subject:Information Science
Organizational theory researchers represent theories using a variety of different styles. Some theories are described in a narrative format, others using statistical models and yet others using graphical models. There appears to be no standard representation tool set that provides for consistency in representation. As a result, theories are not “completely” defined. The lack of definition in theories hinders empirical testing, comparison among theories, developing a meta-analysis model, and reuse and accessibility.; To achieve the objective of clearly defined theories, this dissertation developed a prototype tool called OTSS (Organization Theory Support System, using the Information Systems Design Theory framework developed by Walls, Widmeyer, and El Sawy (1992). The ISDT framework suggests that two kernel theories be used to develop a design product; this study used Dubin's (1978) theory building framework and Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design methodologies and concepts.; Twenty-one subjects completed a survey instrument that evaluated the hypotheses that the OTSS is useful for developing empirically testable theories. With an inadequate sample of 21, it was not feasible to use statistical models to analyze the data. Instead, data reduction was used to consolidate the questionnaire items to a few factors of relevance. Bar charts were used to understand the relationship between the skills of the subjects and the perception of the usefulness of the OTSS.; The results of the analysis indicate that subjects with skills in theory development and testing perceived the OTSS as useful but not easy to use. The outcome of this study is that a tool such as the OTSS will be useful and well received by the research community provided the ease of use features are vastly improved. The development of the prototype focused on ensuring the elements necessary for building an empirically testable theory was in place. Future research on this prototype should include collaborative design of the user interface with support from the research community, and adding features such as context sensitive help, and the use of hyper relational modeling tools to develop ‘drag and relate’ functionality that would substantially improve the ease of use of the OTSS.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theory, OTSS, Theories, Support, Framework, Using
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