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Parental devastation and regeneration following the death of a child

Posted on:2004-06-25Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Buckle, Jennifer LFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience of parenting surviving children after the death of a child. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 bereaved parents (5 mothers and 5 fathers), contacted through Bereaved Families of Ontario. The parents were asked to describe how their child's death affected their parenting of surviving children. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using the grounded theory method, with methodical hermeneutics as its supporting methodology. A hierarchical category structure represented the theory derived from the analysis. The core category was interpreted as "Bereaved Parenting: Living the Duality of Devastation and Regeneration." The second level categories represent the devastation ("The House of Refracting Glass") and the regeneration ("Picking Up the Pieces"). The third level of categories under "The House of Refracting Glass" include "The Shatter", "The Aftermath" and "The Effect of Time." The third level of categories under "Picking Up the Pieces" include "Self" (Identity, Relationships, Spirituality/Religion), "Family" (Relationships and Relationship with Deceased Child), and "Parenting" (Dual Tasks, Control, Bereaved Children: The Challenges, Reordering Priorities, Taking the Child's Perspective, and The Want of Another Child). The findings of this study are discussed in relation to evolving grief theory, grieving differences between mothers and fathers, the impact of the death on the family system, the effect of trauma, the challenges of continuing to parent surviving children, and the desire for more children. The theoretical and clinical implications of the study are outlined, as are directions for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Child, Death, Devastation, Regeneration, Parenting
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