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La demarche ethique spinozienne: Du temperament a l'individualite (French text, Benedictus de Spinoza)

Posted on:2004-11-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Zaninetti, Andrea MarcoFull Text:PDF
In the present work, we'll try to describe the spinozian ethical quest, in its structure and movement. We'll show how this quest start from an ontologically poor state, represented by the temperament of every human being and how this quest, at the end of its movement, realize the true individuality of human being, which is ontologically superior than the temperament. The description of the process inherent in this quest, will show the distinctive patterns of its steps (or moments), but at the same time, will reveal the dialectic which links these steps.
Keywords/Search Tags:Temperament, Quest
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