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The16 Personality Factor Questionnaire as predictor of abortion orientation

Posted on:2002-09-11Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Azusa Pacific UniversityCandidate:Smith, Bruce LeeFull Text:PDF
Thirty women experiencing a crisis pregnancy were tested on the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF), equally divided between those with a reported intention to carry their baby to term or to abort. The 16PF was administered to assess the personality traits of the participants. Based on a review of the literature, it was hypothesized that those participants reporting an intention to abort would have a higher percentage of neurotic behaviors as evidenced by low scores on their Emotional Adjustment criterion score (ADJ), a measure of neuroticism versus adjustment. Additionally, lower scores on egg strength (Factor C) were predicted for abortion-minded women compared to women reporting their intention to carry. The 16PF means and standard deviations of all women in the study were compared to the national norms. Results showed that no factor score, global factor, or criterion score on the 16PF was a predictor of abortion orientation. The small number of participants was a problem both in terms of recruitment and in terms of statistical power.
Keywords/Search Tags:Factor, Personality, 16PF, Women
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