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Nothingness in the theology of Paul Tillich and Karl Barth

Posted on:2003-10-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Jeong, Sung MinFull Text:PDF
In this study, both Tillich's nothingness and that of Barth are investigated, especially in their doctrines of God, Christologies, anthropologies, and understandings of the problem of evil, which will lead to a better understanding of their existential analyses of being and non-being and their implications with their trinitarian God.; To accomplish this task, a comparative study is engaged by examining two theologians' understandings of nothingness: Paul Tillich and Karl Barth. The differences and similarities in their understandings of nothingness will be examined. The first chapter will state the problems and issues related to the theme of nothingness. The second chapter will deal with Paul Tillich's idea of nothingness. Tillich's existential and theological understanding of non-being will be probed. Especially, his dialectic non-being will be explicated. Human finitude, estrangement, and anxiety will be examined by relating them with non-being. The third chapter will deal with Barth's idea of nothingness. In so doing, his biblical and evangelical idea of nothingness will be examined. In particular, nothingness as sin, evil, and death will be probed. In the fourth chapter, a theological dialogue between Tillich and Barth will be presented by comparing their ideas that are related to the theme of nothingness such as the doctrine of God, Christology, anthropology, and the problem of evil. This study focuses on the development of their ideas, but particularly as they relate to Hegel. In so doing, it will be demonstrated that Hegel serves as the foundation of the thinking of both. Yet, Tillich serves as the bridge between Hegel and Barth.; This study is formulated to show how Tillich's nothingness is different from that of Barth. Tillich's understanding is philosophical-theological and it goes beyond that of traditional metaphysics. That is, Tillich's theology In this sense, the objective of this study is to demonstrate that Tillich's philosophical theology can serve as a source of mediation between philosophy and theology. At the same time, this study will show that Barth's nothingness, as an evangelical-biblical understanding, is very significant in defending Christian faith. That is, this study will lead us to know that Barth's theology of nothingness safeguards Christian faith from being trivialized and marginalized by liberal theology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nothingness, Barth, Theology, Tillich, Paul
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