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The current setting of the evolution/creation debate in American public schools

Posted on:2004-09-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The College of William and MaryCandidate:Reynolds, Bradley DoyleFull Text:PDF
The history of public education in the United States is replete with attempts to secularize public education as well as attempts to sanctify public education. The legal battle between these two opposing concepts of public education has been long and tenacious, and is far from over. One front upon which this philosophical, political, and legal battle has been fought is the teaching of origins in biology classes of public schools. This study sought to address the question of the current status of the creation/evolution debate. Through content analysis of court cases, the study provided a legal framework concerning the teaching of origins in public schools. The study also provided a political/philosophical understanding of the current status through a content analysis of press articles. Further, the study provided an understanding of how current biology textbooks deal with the issue of origins. The findings reveal that the creation/evolution debate is current; however, the theory of Intelligent Design has now entered the foray. Finally, the findings reveal that the debate is taking place in courtrooms, legislative hails, and newspapers, but not in classrooms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public, Debate, Current
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