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The competitive and cooperative aretai within the American warfighting ethos

Posted on:2004-10-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Emory UniversityCandidate:Westhusing, Theodore ScottFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390011460544Subject:American Studies
In this study, I seek self-knowledge concerning the excellences ( aretai) that American warriors must have to fight and to win their nation's wars decisively. Employing broadly an Aristotelian eudaimonistic perspective, I determine an ideal functional description of the American warrior. This ideal makes heavy demands of the warrior's entire being in supporting and defending the United States Constitution to which he has sworn his allegiance. The ideal functional description then serves to justify characterizations of various warrior competitive, cooperative, and bridging aretai essential for harmonious excellence within the American warfighting craft. The American warrior exemplars George Washington, Matthew B. Ridgway, James M. Gavin, and Robert E. Lee serve as historical examples to throw further practical light upon the theoretical treatment of each warrior excellence.
Keywords/Search Tags:American, Aretai, Warrior
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