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A new drug delivery system of site specific release tablets: An in vitro study using aspirin and insulin as model drugs

Posted on:1997-08-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterCandidate:Chen, XikuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390014980204Subject:Health Sciences
A new bilayer tablet composed of an innerlayer and an outerlayer has been developed. The process of tablets administered in the human body was modeled by the dissolution of the bilayer tablets in different media. Eighty-eight percent of aspirin in the outerlayer was rapidly released in artificial saliva fluid in five minutes, while 8% aspirin in the innerlayer was released in simulated gastric fluid in two hours and 92% aspirin in the innerlayer was released in simulated intestinal fluid in two hours. Ninety-four percent of insulin in the outerlayer was quickly released in human saliva in two minutes, while insulin in the innerlayer was not released in simulated gastric fluid for two hours and in simulated intestinal fluid (pH 6.5) for one and half hours, but 68% insulin in the innerlayer was released in simulated intestinal fluid (pH 7.5) in a half hour.
Keywords/Search Tags:Insulin, Innerlayer was released, Simulated intestinal fluid, Tablets, Aspirin, Hours
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