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Aggressive mimicry in the pirate spider, Mimetus notius (Araneae; Mimetidae)

Posted on:2001-02-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Kloock, Carl ToddFull Text:PDF
Aggressive mimicry has long been an ignored aspect of the phenomenon of mimicry. A literature review is carried out which determines that current theory developed to help understand protective mimicry does not apply to aggressive mimcry. A new modeling paradigm, based on a combination of an optimal foraging model (the f/μ criterion) and signal detection models is developed to try to aid our understanding of aggressive mimicry systems. A representative aggressive mimic, the pirate spider Mimetus notius, was chosen for developing and testing this paradigm. The natural history of this spider was virtually unknown, so basic natural history data was collected and is presented. This data leads to the identification of Theridion sp. as the most common prey and victim of aggressive mimicry. Measurements of the response of Theridion sp. to a variety of organisms in the web were conducted, and the signals emitted by each of these organisms were also measured. These measurements lead to the conclusion that M. notius does not mimic prey, but mimics small invading spiders. This information is used to develop a species-specific model based on the modeling paradigm developed previously, and this model is tested using a combination field/laboratory experiment. The model accurately predicts the level of cautiousness displayed by Theridion in a variety of sites varying in the abundance of Theridion and Mimetus. These predictions serve to validate, in part, the new modeling paradigm, and give confidence that the predictions of simpler, more general models developed within this paradigm can be used to increase our understanding of aggressive mimicry and the perceptual interactions between predators and prey in these systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aggressive mimicry, Spider, Notius, Mimetus
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