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Molecular requirements for T-cell stimulation by superantigens

Posted on:1998-11-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of IdahoCandidate:Deringer, James RFull Text:PDF
The ability of staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) type Cs (SEC1, SEC2, and SEC3) to stimulate T cells is dependent on the variable ;The model of the SEC/V;SEC1, SEC-bovine, and SEC-ovine are the most closely related of the SE type Cs (greater than 97% amino acid indentity). However, each toxin is uniquely associated with a different host species (human, bovine, and ovine respectively). A quantitative PCR technique was developed to detect bovine V;SEC1 stimulated human T cells bearing V...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sec1
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