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Physiological and psychological effects of various hypnotic suggestions with asthma patients

Posted on:2001-04-23Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Wagaman, Marcia JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390014460103Subject:Health Sciences
This study compares responses to hypnotic suggestion for symptom relief (Group 2, n = 7) versus suggestions for improved immune function and resolution of inflammation (Group 3, n = 7). The nonhypnotic control group (Group 1, n = 7) listened to neurophonic tones (relaxing tones without significant effect on heart rate or respiration).;Twenty-one subjects with moderate to moderately severe asthma were stratified according to hypnotic susceptibility and randomly assigned to one of three groups. All subjects received six sessions (3 were 1 week apart and the rest at 3 month intervals) and a tape to play daily. Evaluation included pulmonary function testing at the beginning and end of each session and at one year, physical examination at three month intervals, and psychometric assessments and interviews at the beginning and end of the study. Personnel performing and interpreting the pulmonary function tests and examining physicians were blind regarding group assignment. Psychometric testing included the Eysenck Personality Inventory (neuroticism, extraversion), the Asthma Symptom Checklist, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Marlowe - Crowne Social Desirability Scale (repressive coping), the Self Control Schedule, and the Dysfunctional Cognition Inventory (catastrophizing scale). Subjects kept diaries for three months prior to and throughout the study.;Results showed a significant decrease in medication requirements for both groups 2 and 3 versus increased medication requirements for group 1, Log-Likelihood Ratio G2 (4, N = 21) = 16, p = .003, two-tailed. Subjects as a total group were found to be significantly lower than average in catastrophizing (M = 27.62), z = -1.86, p = <.05 and extraversion (M = 8.81), z = -3.81, p < .01; and higher in repressive coping (M = 18.64), z = 6.77, p close to 0, nonrepressive, coping (M = 46.71), z 4.74, p = <.01, state anxiety (M = 60.05), z 10.71, p = < .01, and hypnotic susceptibility assessed by both the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility Form A, chi-square (2, N = 26) = 30.51, p < .00001 and the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale Form C, chi-square (2, M = 26) 69.36, p < .0001. State anxiety decreased significantly in all three groups (M = 47.95), M change = -12.09, t 14.13, and p < .01.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hypnotic, Asthma, Three
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