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Screening for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Rural Farmers

Posted on:2017-09-03Degree:D.N.PType:Dissertation
University:North Dakota State UniversityCandidate:Lien, Vanessa ElaineFull Text:PDF
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most common occupational health diseases. Noise-induced hearing loss is also the second most common occupational illness or injury in the United States today (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2013). While many different occupations are at risk for NIHL, hearing loss is especially prevalent amongst farmers and agricultural workers.;The purpose of this project was to bring awareness of noise-induced hearing loss and screening measures to farm and agricultural workers in North Dakota through the use of a screening tool to detect those individuals at risk. This was done through the use of the Better Hearing Institute's (BHI) Quick Hearing Check tool which offers individuals a quick and easy method for assessing hearing. The BHI's Quick Hearing Check is a 15 question tool using a 5-point Likert scale that has been developed based off of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery's five minute hearing test (Kochkin & Bentler, 2010).;Analysis at the conclusion of this project included the overall results of the Quick Hearing Check tool and participant perception of hearing. Through the administration of the Better Hearing Institute's (BHI) Quick Hearing Check survey, 45 participants (52%) were found to be at risk for mild hearing impairment, 21 participants (24%) were at risk for moderate hearing impairment, and 21 participants (24%) were at risk for severe hearing impairment. Overall, the conclusion can be made that those that categorized their perceived hearing lower on the Likert-scale did indeed tend to have lower ratings on the post-survey. In addition, those that categorized their perceived hearing as higher on the Likert-scale did tend to have a higher result on the post-survey, indicating a high risk for hearing impairment. Results indicated that risk for hearing loss amongst rural North Dakota farm and agricultural workers is common while perception of hearing ability is also accurate. The ultimate goal of this project was to find an effective screening tool that can be implemented into patient care and provider practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hearing, Screening, Tool
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