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Health care technology management (HCTM): An assessment of its application in Canadian teaching hospitals

Posted on:2003-11-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Eisler, GeorgeFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011986414Subject:Health care management
The rate of technological change is often referred to as one of the drivers of change in Canada's health care system. However, the challenge of managing technology has not received extensive attention in the health care management literature. This study was conducted to provide a model for technology management and an assessment of the level of technology management practices in Canada's teaching hospitals.;The research strategy involved an analysis of developments to date in the academic disciplines of Management of Technology (MOT) and Management of Medical Technology (MMT). An extensive literature content analysis generated a set of definitions and attributes of the conceptual construct 'technology management'. Through a formal survey design process involving expert input, pilot testing, and field testing a measurement instrument was developed. The Association of Canadian Academic Health Organizations (ACAHO) enthusiastically supported a web-based survey of senior administrators, representing many of Canada's technology intensive teaching hospitals. 324 CEOs, VPs, and managers reporting to the Executive responded. They each rated the importance and the extent of implementation of 26 indicators, which had been derived via the content analysis from the list of attributes. From each set of importance and implementation ratings, a gap score measure was calculated.;Through a variety of statistical methods including factor analysis and cluster analysis of the gap scores, it was determined that there were significant differences between organizations relative to the gap between a benchmark level and their actual level of technology management practice. Two major clusters of hospitals emerged. One of the clusters performed significantly better than the other for each of the 26 measurement indicators.;Comparison with an independent assessment of their clinical and operational efficiency pointed to a clear correlation with their technology management performance. Executive-level leadership for technology strategy is critical.;The outcomes of this study are a comprehensive definition and model for the construct 'technology management', a measurement instrument validated for hospitals, a web-based survey mechanism, and specific recommendations. This project should contribute to the ability of organizations to manage technology as a strategic resource in recognition that technology both shapes and supports business strategy to meet customer needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology, Health care, Hospitals, Assessment
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