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In pursuit of an effective model of pastoral care for the emergence and development of soul in the person with Alzheimer disease

Posted on:2004-03-01Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Providence College and Seminary (Canada)Candidate:Lenshyn, John WFull Text:PDF
The dissertation In Pursuit of an Effective Model of Pastoral Care for the Emergence and Development of Soul in the Person with Alzheimer Disease responds to the need for a greater understanding of the spiritual life of the person with Alzheimer Disease, and to the need for innovative methods of meeting the spiritual needs of this growing population.;The study defines Alzheimer Disease and describes its effects on the individual. A discussion on the nature of soul, building on a holistic understanding of soul and personhood, leads to the literature review which draws attention to possible spiritual care approaches for those with this disease.;The paper examines the presence of God in the midst of the suffering caused by this disease. Models of nursing are presented which relate the possibility that even with dementia a person can both be healthy in spirit and continue to grow spiritually. Persons with Alzheimer Disease live in an altered state of time which causes them to live with a focus on the present moment, rather than chronologically. This allows for the opportunity of a profound, intimate, and personal relationship with God in the altered state of kappaalphaiotarho osigma time in which those with Alzheimer Disease live. Evidence of the Alzheimer soul connecting with the Divine is presented.;The research includes interviews with chaplains, other professionals within the medical field who work with persons with Alzheimer Disease, and with family members of those with the disease. The final chapter interprets the results of the interviews, examines the implications of the results, and highlights areas of further research needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alzheimer disease, Person with alzheimer, Soul, Care
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