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A guide to cell life and ministry at the Vineyard of Hope

Posted on:2002-08-23Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry ProgramCandidate:Sim, John Kim ChyeFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this paper is to present a guidebook to inform and train cell group leaders and members of the Vineyard of Hope. Nine years ago, our church was started in Hacienda Heights, California, and has since grown to four hundred members. The reason for this growth is that we have adopted the cell church model and integrated its concept into our structure and philosophy of ministry. But with more new converts and people transferring from non cell churches, there is a need for a guidebook to help them gain insights into cell life and train them to become effective cell leaders and members.;This paper is divided into four sections. The first section looks at the biblical basis for cell groups. The cell concept is introduced and its characteristics are discussed. It then looks at the biblical and theological rationale for the cell as the basic building block of Christian community.;The second section is on cell group dynamics. It details the four functions of a cell group, the places suitable for a cell meeting and its agenda. Attention is given to the kind of environment needed for a healthy cell group. This section also outlines the development stages of a cell group and how to meet the challenges in each of those stages.;The third section covers the ministry of the cell group. It stresses the importance of using spiritual gifts in cell ministry. Strategies for outreach are highlighted, along with an approach to help cell leaders and members understand those who are outside the faith, and reach them through cell evangelism. This section ends with a design for mentoring cell members.;The fourth section focuses on cell leadership and issues pertaining to leadership qualifications, responsibilities, skills, and the need for cell leaders to maintain a strong spiritual life. It also touches on the administrative processes that are involved in the cell system, the structure of our church, and record keeping. This paper concludes with a final analysis on the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for the cell church.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cell life, Ministry, Leaders and members, Cell church
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