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Effectiveness of domestic and foreign drug supply reduction measures: Perceptions of federal agents

Posted on:2003-01-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Barnard, Donald WayneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011487013Subject:Political science
The perceptions of federal anti-drug agents as to the effectiveness of the U.S. drug policy were examined. Particular interest was paid the to the supply reduction methods of interdiction, eradication and law enforcement. The study also focused on the use of these supply reduction methods in the Caribbean, which has been deemed as a critical transshipment point for drugs traveling from South America. Alternatives to the supply reduction methods were also investigated. The study utilized a 20 question survey instrument to determine the opinions of 92 federal counter-drug agents as to their perception of effectiveness. The study implemented a non-experimental, descriptive design. The results indicated that the federal agents surveyed generally felt that the current policy was ineffective in reducing drug use. However, those surveyed also believed that any alternatives would be less successful than the current supply reduction methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Supply reduction, Drug, Federal, Effectiveness, Agents
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