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Development of high throughput mass spectrometric immunoassays

Posted on:2003-06-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Kiernan, Urban AustinFull Text:PDF
High throughput proteomics would not be a plausible reality without the development of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The sensitivity and resolution of MALDI catapulted its use in biological fields, but it still requires new sample processing technologies to meet the demands of high throughput protein analysis and population screening. One solution is mass spectrometry immunoassay (MSIA), which has repeatedly been demonstrated as a powerful bioanalytical tool that has potential in this area. Recently, the addition of automated parallel robotics has augmented its capacity, now allowing for high throughput analyses at a rate of ∼100 samples per hour.; The development of novel assays, from a variety of different biological fluids, has extended the versatility of MSIA in terms of applications and analytical sensitivity to new levels. The application of these assays has already been able to readily identify different protein variants within small populations. Moreover, when used in conjunction with bioreactive probes, rapid protein characterization is also readily achievable, allowing for determination of variant protein forms. Not only is qualitative differentiation achievable, but so is quantitative. New quantitative approaches with MSIA have also been developed that are capable of rapid assessment of differential protein expression levels.; This novel approach to qualitative and quantitative protein determination has the ability to surpass many current protein screening platforms in analytical speed and sensitivity. Given the ability to rapidly perform such analyses, high throughput MSIA is ideal for application in which proteomics/clinical studies with large populations is required.
Keywords/Search Tags:High throughput, Development, Mass, MSIA
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