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Diffusion of health promotion innovation throughout graduate occupational therapy curricula

Posted on:2004-10-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Woman's UniversityCandidate:Rhynders, Patricia AtwellFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011476258Subject:Health Sciences
The extension of occupational therapy's practice domains from secondary and tertiary care to a health promotion orientation that emphasizes primary prevention must be complemented by appropriate preparatory education. Baseline data describing the health promotion content in entry-level graduate occupational therapy education, and the level of satisfaction within programs regarding their capacity to develop and teach such content, were inadequate. This is a quantitative descriptive study based upon the findings of a national survey of occupational therapy program directors from the 83 accredited entry-level masters occupational therapy programs in the United States.; The diffusion of innovations theory provided the theoretical basis for the study, which assessed characteristics of the programs, use of communication channels, program directors' perceptions of health promotion attributes, barriers and facilitators, and satisfaction with the ability to teach to required standards. The instrument served as a needs assessment to distinguish factors that may enhance further diffusion and adoption, and to identify continuing education requirements.; This study of entry-level occupational therapy programs suggests the climate is right for restructuring and diffusion of innovative health promotion curricula. The study supports the need for open dialogue among occupational therapy educators and health promotion specialists so each can share their strengths. It also serves to clarify uncertainty about the extent to which health promotion is integrated into entry-level occupational therapy curricula. In doing so, the study validates the constructs of the diffusion of innovations. The findings will contribute to the body of knowledge regarding professional education for occupational therapists' changing roles in their communities. The health promotion movement offers an opportunity for health educators and occupational therapists to create alliances that will ultimately strengthen both professions' abilities to support clients' needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Occupational, Health, Diffusion
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